Saturday 9 February 2013

What Really Matters

Since the onslaught of Ondoy, my work life has never been the same.  We suspended classes for three weeks, and consequently, we now have to make up for all the lost class hours before March.  So Saturdays suddenly became working days.  Good bye to wet market moments with mama.  Adios to extra hours of sleep on a Saturday afternoon.  Sayonara to rest and more importantly, to date days with Mr. M because of the remedial classes.  It has become so insanely tiresome and stressful that I would often cry out and complain over my exhaustion.  Enough of this, oh please!

What aggravated the matter was that with the nerve-wracking and hectic six-day work week, I barely have quality time with Mr. M.  My Sundays are for church, me + mama bonding, and preparation time for the incoming work week, and sometimes he also has his own commitments, making togetherness a really sacred and treasured time for the two of us. 

One particular Saturday this month, problems piled up and stress level was at its most unbelievable high.  I had a meeting that lasted til 2pm, and with barely a bite for lunch, hopped to the next meeting til 3:30pm.  Then I received this text:

"Andito na ako sa labas.  Tapos ka naHalika na!!"

I get a tight hug, a loving squeeze in the arm, some comforting words of assurance, and the promise of another great, albeit short, bonding time together.  And suddenly I forget about the office and its problems and concerns.

I'm being mushy, but hey, this is my blog.  Allow me some form of cheesiness.  Hehehe  :-)

I am loved.  And that's all that matters. 

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