Tuesday 12 February 2013

2nd honors at 3 years old

My mom excitedly texted me two Mondays ago that Enrique's school, Tots@Work, is going to hold their Moving Up ceremonies on a Friday...and that...Enrique will be awarded as the 2nd honors!!! I was literally dancing to my feet. Only three years old --- barely out of his toddler years --- and already on top of the class? This is great news!

Immediately, I filed for a leave and attended the school's jampacked event. Here are some pics and mementos of my little nephew's first time to go onstage on his first year. Enjoy : )
I can't believe that our 3-year old nephew first went to school last June, and now we're in his first moving up ceremony! How time flies!

Cute programme

Lola Boots, Mommy Charisse, Tita Isa, Lola Chit and Ella Monique excitedly wait for the program to start

Playful Enrique wouldn't stop smiling for the camera even as the kids were singing the National Anthem already : )

Seryoso masyado : )

WORD SMART Awardee. Yipee!!!! English-speaking kasi hahaha

The cute parrot ;-)

Daddy Eric pins the award on Mommy Charisse's mini me.

Daddy Eric and Enrique

with Mommy

Hahahaha awed by his medal...enjoying the moment :oP

after giving mommy a rose

antok na hehe

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