Wednesday 12 December 2012

Trying out something Korean

Years ago, two aunts who lived in Cainta had a Korean neighbor whom we fondly call Oma.  Oma was such an excellent cook, and how she loves to have others sample the fare she whips out from her kitchen.  I had a grand time finishing off her kalbi chim, bulgogi, Korean beef stew, and the like, until Kimchi turned me off hehehe :-p

It's been a while since we last sampled something authentically Korean.  I'm really crazy over their Korean beef stew and I don't remember what it's called but there's a Korean-style pancit which I love, love, love.  So imagine my happiness when we found this Korean resto in Antipolo:

Icheon it is!
I can't read Hangul but it's probably the name of the store engraved there.
They eat like the Japanese.  You sit down on the floor and a low wooden table serves as your dining table.  They have about 10 booths like this.  But we chose to eat Pinoy style hehehe :-)
That's my family waiting for the food to arrive.
Too bad, I never learned how to eat using chopsticks. :-(
Each table has a buzzer.  Cute.
The kids try out the iced house tea.  Bland.  Nothing like our very own Lipton or Nestea.  Or maybe I like my tea to be sweet.
Enrique plays with the steel chopsticks!
This is the Korean-style pancit I was talking about.  Don't be fooled by the picture.  It has looooots of meat and veggies in it, it's just that I consumed them by the time I took this pic. 
Oh la la!  Yummy Korean beef stew
Here's a sample of what we ate.  We got so excited when the food arrived that I forgot to take pictures before we started munching away.
This was a winner but so sorry, I forgot the name :-(
This tastes similar to nilagang baka but it's very tender.
Spicy dilis!  
Another winning entry but whose name I forgot.  Sorry. Let me come back and tell you the names of the dishes hehehehe :-) 

Surprisingly, food at Icheon was relatively affordable.  A family-size platter of their authentic Korean-style pancit is only Php 300, while the Korean beef stew I was raving about was only the same amount.  We were five adults and two kids at that time, and our bill was under Php 1,000.  It was definitely worth it.

Will I go back to Icheon in the near future?  Y-E-S.  It's highly recommended!  Try it!

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