Friday 14 December 2012

Ilocos Revisited

I've been such a negligent blogger these past few months.  Haaayyyy...I've got tons of blogging backlog to catch up on, but my problem is...I don't know where to start!  

Since I only have a few minutes to spare today, let me do a picture blog on one of my favorite 2010 moments....our Ilocos vacation last Christmas!
Yes, we were out of town for a few nights during the holidays.  Christmas in Manila is a whole lot noisier with the fireworks and all.  So, we enjoyed the peace and quiet of the provincial landscape this time.  And I have no regrets.  This is one of the best I ever had, since I spent it with my family (minus my brother Eric, his wife Charisse and their children, since they couldn't travel that far with small kids).

We left Manila via Florida bus lines at around 10AM of December 24.  We arrived at around the same time in the evening.  Ouch!  My back hurt a bit, but the sleepyhead that I am, I survived the loooong travel.

Yes, those are the windmills in Bong Bong Marcos's senatorial infomercials

 The bigger windmills sell for Php 100.  The smaller ones for only Php 50.  I didn't get any in the end because I'm sure, with the boys around, these would surely get destroyed even before I return to Manila.

 I can't help but feel envious that Ilocos has this technology while we here in Manila don't.

Paoay Church, perhaps the oldest church in the Philippines.  This church survived earthquakes and other natural disasters.  It's up for renovation anytime now.  I wonder how they will do it without destroying its natural beauty.  It's an architectural and engineering wonder!
 Fort Ilocandia!  I thought it was beautiful on the outside, but inside it was too dark.  (Hello?  Paging Fort Ilocandia's property management office!  Please do something with the lighting.)

Posing with my family at one of the aisles.  I love the brick red walls and vines.

Inside the Marcos museum with Franco

Ilocos empanada....yummy!

Swimming in this very clean river, and eating fresh tilapia taken out from this fish pen  ---- priceless!

Prior to this Christmas trip, it was in 2001 when I last visited the beautiful northern province of Ilocos.  I tagged along with my sister and brother-in-law and my other brother.  It was so much fun now that we have grown as a nuclear family.  For this trip, I was with mom, my older brother, my sister, her husband, and their twin sons.  I wish I could go back and spend more days in this gem of a province  :-)

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