Friday 23 March 2012

With Monique in My Mind....

Isn't she lovely?

We have been blessed with three rowdy, sweet, hyperactive, noisy nephews for the past severak years, so we all started praying for God to give us a little girl this time for our growing brood.
And then she came. And she turned our world upside-down.

From her pranks to her antics, to her funny accent and baby talk, to the frown on her face, to the sparkle in her eyes, hands down, she is everyone's darling! And we just love her. Nay, we adore her.

Can't blame us. She's our one and only niece, and unless I or my brother beget a little girl, then she'll forever be our family's muse : )

So, even though she'll be turning only two this April, I'm already thinking of how we're going to celebrate her 18th. Meanwhile, check out the birthday photos I saw from top photographer Nelwin Uy. It looks like Auntie Isa has a new inspiration for Monique's next bash : )

Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous!

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