Saturday 31 March 2012

Christmas and the New Year interlude

2007 might well be the best year of my life. Sure, I had my share of pains and hurts, but overall, I really love this year. Here are the reasons why:

1. Hooked up with my college best friends. I'm referring to none other than Agnes and Crystal, of course. Ever since we started texting last September, it has been sessions of overnight chitchats and good food (courtesy of Tal's kitchen and her and BJ's culinary skills). Ha! It even inspired me to try preparing certain dishes right in my own kitchen. And speaking of the two girls, I do commit to free up certain days of the month so I could constantly keep in touch. Sobrang busy ng lola nyo, grabe.

2. Tried out pasta. I am a girl with zero background when it comes to cooking. That's why I instantly cooked during the holidays so I could try out this amazing pasta dish that I got from a co-teacher in Sunday School. Results? My brother wanted more! Hahaha! And so, you'll see a more adventurous cook in me next year. How about a sizzling Spanish dish next time? Well...

3. Started on a healthy eating plan. I have said adios to the bulges and eating binges especially at midnight. I'm not getting any younger; besides, this body is the temple of the holy spirit. it deserves respect and proper care. Oh, and sayonara to all the fatty and oily foods. Hello, veggies!

4. Was all ears to Hillsong. You are what you feed your mind. Previously, I got so hooked on soppy old love songs and the types you always listened to to further inflict pain on yourself. So I decided to change my musical interests, and am now listening more to praise and worship songs. God is great and good, and I intend to emphasize that fact to myself everyday of my life, instead of harping on life's bitternesses.

5. Enrolled myself in driving school. Yay! And I'm trying my best to master this one without being too nervous. In fairness, Dynamic Driving Institute has great instructors.

6. Did a general cleaning of my room. As usual, this is one of my staples. I should even say, weekly staples.

7. Attended reunions galore. And weddings too. It's good to see you guys!

Have a happy new year, everyone!

* * * * *

Oh, by the way, it was so nice getting kissed by my student Krizia last week. She just knocked on our door, hugged me and planted a peck on my cheek. Awww...the joys of touching lives :-)

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