Saturday 31 March 2012

Christmas and the New Year interlude

2007 might well be the best year of my life. Sure, I had my share of pains and hurts, but overall, I really love this year. Here are the reasons why:

1. Hooked up with my college best friends. I'm referring to none other than Agnes and Crystal, of course. Ever since we started texting last September, it has been sessions of overnight chitchats and good food (courtesy of Tal's kitchen and her and BJ's culinary skills). Ha! It even inspired me to try preparing certain dishes right in my own kitchen. And speaking of the two girls, I do commit to free up certain days of the month so I could constantly keep in touch. Sobrang busy ng lola nyo, grabe.

2. Tried out pasta. I am a girl with zero background when it comes to cooking. That's why I instantly cooked during the holidays so I could try out this amazing pasta dish that I got from a co-teacher in Sunday School. Results? My brother wanted more! Hahaha! And so, you'll see a more adventurous cook in me next year. How about a sizzling Spanish dish next time? Well...

3. Started on a healthy eating plan. I have said adios to the bulges and eating binges especially at midnight. I'm not getting any younger; besides, this body is the temple of the holy spirit. it deserves respect and proper care. Oh, and sayonara to all the fatty and oily foods. Hello, veggies!

4. Was all ears to Hillsong. You are what you feed your mind. Previously, I got so hooked on soppy old love songs and the types you always listened to to further inflict pain on yourself. So I decided to change my musical interests, and am now listening more to praise and worship songs. God is great and good, and I intend to emphasize that fact to myself everyday of my life, instead of harping on life's bitternesses.

5. Enrolled myself in driving school. Yay! And I'm trying my best to master this one without being too nervous. In fairness, Dynamic Driving Institute has great instructors.

6. Did a general cleaning of my room. As usual, this is one of my staples. I should even say, weekly staples.

7. Attended reunions galore. And weddings too. It's good to see you guys!

Have a happy new year, everyone!

* * * * *

Oh, by the way, it was so nice getting kissed by my student Krizia last week. She just knocked on our door, hugged me and planted a peck on my cheek. Awww...the joys of touching lives :-)

Sunday 25 March 2012

Auntie Talks

First, there were only two.

Then it became three two years ago.

365 days earlier, it became four.

To date, there are now two times two huggable little ones calling me Tita Isa (and I love how it sounds!).

Ang bilis ng panahon, grabe.

As I look upon these little bundles of joy in our growing family, I can't help but praise and thank God for all that He has been doing in our midst. These kids are literally miracle babies. Some of you have been with us throughout the months when my sister was bedridden and was having threatened abortion. It was a really difficult pregnancy, and when the twins finally came out, they were premature and needed a lot of medical attention. It was really a tough time, and one that is faith-stretching too. But God saw us throughout those moments. He is faithful, indeed!
The same case happened to my sister-in-law Charisse, the mother of Enrique Miguel and Ella Monique. Throughout her two pregnancies (and bouts with hypothyroidism at that!), Charisse would occasionally be ordered by her doctors to take months of complete bed rest for fear that she would lose each of her babies. In time, she gave birth to healthy, bubbly children, although doctors told her that she may no longer bear more kids after her second child.

I don't have favorites among them, but Ella Monique is really special for me. A little over a year ago, even before ate Charisse got pregnant with her, I prayed that God would give us this time a baby girl as we already have three boys. I shared this with my family and pretty soon, we all started praying for a baby girl.

A few weeks later, the answer came.

You can just imagine my reaction. And by the way, Ella Monique looks exactly like my brother Eric (her father) and my dad!

This is my sixth year as a tita, and I praise and thank God for what He has done and what He continues to do to me, to my immediate family, and now, to these kids. And as our family celebrates Ella Monique's 1st birthday cum dedication, I know that there'll be more stories of God's faithfulness, goodness and grace in the years to come. :)

This Wednesday, April 9, 2008, we will be dedicating to the Lord my only niece and the latest addition to our family, Ella Monique S. Sanchez. We call it a dedication because at her age, Monique does not know yet what is happening around her, and she still isn't capable of deciding on matters about the faith we hope that she would one day embrace and choose for herself. So, baptism would have to wait until she is old enough to understand what this symbolism means.
Usually during dedications, family members and witnesses are requested to say a prayer for the child being dedicated. Here's mine:

I pray that when the right time comes, she would accept Jesus Christ as her only Lord and Savior. I pray that she would grow up to be a child with a deep love and reverence for the God of the Bible. I pray that even at an early age, my niece would develop an intimate relationship with God. I sincerely wish that she would walk in the ways of the Lord, make it the priority of her life to please Him in every way, and to live a life that reflects Christlike qualities. I pray that my niece would grow up to be a critical thinker, doing the things she believes in because she finds them to be Biblical, and knowing the fact that hers is a proven and not a blind faith. I hope that even now as she is being raised in a world that regards relativism as the norm, she would make a stand for Christ and learn to sift through all the essential and non-essential matters many Christians are fighting over. I pray that my niece would bring much joy and blessing to her parents by being an obedient daughter. And, yes, though it may be too soon, I pray that she would find a godly partner for life ---- one who loves the Lord more than he loves anybody else. But most of all, I pray that we, the adults in our family, would walk with God faithfully, and be able to pass onto them the things that we ourselves have learned from our personal relationship with the Lord.

Happy, happy birthday, Ella Monique. Always know that we will love you unconditionally.

Ay, ang sentimental ko!

Friday 23 March 2012

With Monique in My Mind....

Isn't she lovely?

We have been blessed with three rowdy, sweet, hyperactive, noisy nephews for the past severak years, so we all started praying for God to give us a little girl this time for our growing brood.
And then she came. And she turned our world upside-down.

From her pranks to her antics, to her funny accent and baby talk, to the frown on her face, to the sparkle in her eyes, hands down, she is everyone's darling! And we just love her. Nay, we adore her.

Can't blame us. She's our one and only niece, and unless I or my brother beget a little girl, then she'll forever be our family's muse : )

So, even though she'll be turning only two this April, I'm already thinking of how we're going to celebrate her 18th. Meanwhile, check out the birthday photos I saw from top photographer Nelwin Uy. It looks like Auntie Isa has a new inspiration for Monique's next bash : )

Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Cute CaseCrown Bold Standby Case (Purple) for iPad 4th Generation with Retina Display, iPad 3 & iPad 2 (Built-in magnet for sleep / wake feature)

I really want this

CaseCrown Bold Standby Case (Purple) for iPad 4th Generation with Retina Display, iPad 3 & iPad 2 (Built-in magnet for sleep / wake feature)

CaseCrown Bold Standby Case (Purple) for iPad 4th Generation with Retina Display, iPad 3 & iPad 2 (Built-in magnet for sleep / wake feature)
Protect your iPad with this CaseCrown Bold Standby Case at all timesFunctionality
The built-in magnetic strip provides the sleep / wake feature making your iPad. Because the cover is uniquely designed to flip back and transform the case into a comfortable viewing stand, this capability allows the viewer to use the iPad comfortably. Protection
This case sports a simple and classy design made from faux leather, and the interior is lined with non-scratch material so you do not need to worry a Read More >>

List Price: $ 36.99

And below is why i think all of you should buy this item :
  • Built-in magnetic strip provides sleep / wake feature
  • Cover has flip capability to transform the case into a horizontal viewing stand
  • All features are accessible (camera and speaker holes available)
  • Open interior pocket for easy insertion of the iPad and velcro flap to secure it in place
  • Synthetic exterior and smooth interior for protection

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for CaseCrown Bold Standby Case (Purple) for iPad 4th Generation with Retina Display, iPad 3 & iPad 2 (Built-in magnet for sleep / wake feature) this month.