Monday 6 May 2013

The Chocolate Mallows Incident

When was the last time you lavished someone with all your love and attention?

It gives me immense joy and satisfaction to deliberately give whatever a loved one is asking. You know fully well what I’m talking about, don’t you? Early this year, my sister and brother-in-law were discussing plans on where their twin kids would study for Grade One. One SMS was all it took, and the following day, the Scribbling Angel immediately played genie in a bottle. Voila, I filed for a day’s leave upon my sister’s request, and with her husband, went around town looking for a school where my nephews would be spending the rest of their childhood education years. Short notice, huh?

Ah, but that’s not much of a bother. I remember one of those projects Aning (our house helper for 13+ years) was working on. With just one plea from her, I didn’t sleep for 24 hours (Yes, you read it right: 24! I didn’t even had the chance to blink!) to help her finish her assignment. You bet I looked like a zombie the next day I reported for work, and was completely zonked out.

They say that one good way to gauge if you really love someone is to measure how much time, money and effort you spend on that loved one. The amount you spend reveals how much this person means to you.

So what does a daughter do when her senior citizen of a mom goes craving for Chocolate Mallows? Do all it takes to get them, of course, no matter what the cost!

So last Wednesday night, I literally ran to our front door, and excitedly called for my mom to tell her the good news that I finally got her the Chocolate Mallows she has been craving for all week. My, if she only knew. I had to persuade and even badger my office mate to let me be among the first to purchase those saccharine goodies from her, since they so easily run out of stock, especially this yuletide season.

My mom’s reply?

Naku, na-doble. Inalok din ako sa opisina kanina, kaya bumili na ako. Ang dami naman nyan!”

Hehe. Moms…you just gotta love ‘em ---- idiosyncrasies and all.

Excuse me as I feel like munching on my sweet pasalubong. Let’s not count the calories, please….

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