Saturday 5 January 2013

Photographer's Delight

Being a big fan of my only niece and nephews, I can't help but keep on collecting their pics --- candid shots and otherwise. Here are some of my favorites: the odd one out :-)


Muscleman Diego Boy @ 2 years old

Zonked out after my brother's wedding @ InterCon

Future Senator Viernes? O parang mas bagay na presidentiable?

Sleepy eyes

how to battle the summer heat : take a luxurious bath!

Royal milk for Her Royal Highness (check out the tiara!)

"I just turned one!"

Center of my focus

Got milk?

Really watching Kuya Enrique's Christmas performance

Diego: "Don't worry, Ricah. I'm just here."

The wide grin on her face? It's priceless. Ang hirap pangitiin eh.

Hotties in trunks hehehe ;-D

future heartthrob in stroller


Sleepy Franco

Ballerina pose

Computer scientists in the making

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