Friday 19 October 2012

Level Up! A Pit Bull Experience

Yes.  You read it right:  I pampered a pit bull.  Scary?  Nah.  I think it was a wonderful experience, especially for a dog-scared (read: doggie phobia stricken) person like me.

Thankfully, this doggie was in a good mood when we took this picture.

People normally think of pit bulls as these monstrous, big bad doggies fit only for people with the same mean character and image that these four-legged creatures project.  I couldn't blame them.  Some years ago, even the U.S. banned the propagation and sale of these dogs because they have gained so much notoriety for being so fierce and aggressive.  Even dog behavior expert and National Geographic's Dog Whisperer TV Host Cesar Millan acknowledges that pit bulls have that willd and aggressive side that always comes out from time to time. It's no wonder they're the top breed involved in dog fights, something that animal rights advocates have long been rallying against.  

Dog behavior expert Cesar Millan with long-time ally, Daddy the pitbull.
Picture credits:  Cesar's Way

Cesar Millan's well-mannered pit bulls:  Junior and Daddy.
Picture credits:  Cesar's Way

I thought I'd never see an actual pit bull.  I only read about them from books or the internet.  But one day, a neighbor of ours decided to take care of a pair of newborn girl and boy pit bulls.  Sweetie and I curiously visited them, and to my surprise, they were not aggressive at all.  They were friendly, and instantly took to us as if were long-lost friends.  Soon, Sweetie and I found ourselves paying them a weekly visit and having them smell and lick our hands.  That was my closest encounter even with a dog, because the doggiephobic in me absolutely never touched a dog in my whole life.

Sadly, the puppies have been sold when our neighbor got sick recently and was no longer allowed to go near dogs or cats.  Sweetie would have wanted to buy the pit bulls but when we failed to show up at our neighbor's the week before, they auctioned them off to the first buyer waiting to buy the handsome doggies.  They were only two months old, but they were absolutely cute and behaved.

Last week, I found out that Tiendesitas was sponsoring a dog show only for pit bull breeds.  So predictably, Sweetie and I decided to celebrate our first year anniversary together in that part of the city.  And we came home happy and amazed because I upped the ante this time --- I touched a pit bull, err... I carried a pit bull puppy!

Level up!  :-)

Watch as I lovingly stroke this pit bull's head

I love this puppy!

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