Friday 31 August 2012

Funny Pic of the Day

Supermom and fellow blogger Enchie asked me to post a funny pic, so here it is. This one's taken in CCF's 2007 Single's Retreat. Why would moi would go hand-rafting (if there's such a word) through a swimming pool wearing that bulky life vest? Well, my group mates and I participated in the Singles' Amazing Race, and this was just one of the 'gruelling' challenges we had to subject ourselves to (Obvious ba na hindi ako marunong lumangoy???). We didn't win, but it was so much fun bonding with great guys and gals who love the Lord.

Thanks, Enchie, for this tag. And thank you too for the blog award (I'll have to think of what weblog award to give 'ya). :-)

Are there sharks waiting for the boat to capsize? :-D

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