Tuesday 19 June 2012

It's a doggie day!

Mr. M and our Siberian Husky bet bond together!

Doggie lovers and owners prep up the canine friends moments before the contest started.

One of the things that Mr. M brought into my life is how he sparked a heightened appreciation for canine friends in me.  Before, dogs were just out of my vocabulary.  I can't even tell the difference between a german shepherd and a bulldog.  I grew up surrounded by eight cats or so, and I thought that's just perfectly fine.  I go nuts every time my feline pets fight one another, but I think I'd go crazier in the company of barking pets.  After all, I'm scared of dogs.  Scared as in I'd shake and quiver whenever I see one in the streets, running after me even with its cutest smile and wagging tail.  But it looks like I got converted.  Almost.  Hehehhe

Last Sunday, I had the chance to go see a dog show with Mr. M at the Tiendesitas People's Village.  We also toured the Pet Village to see other canine friends being sold in the market.  And I must say, after that experience, I think I'm ready to ask him to buy a chow chow for me in the future  :-)

Here's a preview of how that "doggie-themed date" turned out:

Mr. M just couldn't take his eyes off the golden retriever and a mountain dog.

These doggies are more vain than me! Check out their uh, hair. hehehehe

Our all-time favorite and dream pet, chow chow!!!!!

Meet Max, a friendly bulldog

One of our favorites, a Siberian Husky, was declared the winner.  Yey!

In true doggie fashion:  doggies get pampered in a doggie parlor  :-)

A golden retriever puppy catches Mr. M's attention

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