Thursday 10 May 2012

My Own 25

This one's originally making its rounds in Facebook. The non-conformist in me (hehehe) prefers to post this in my own blog where you don't normally get notifications that someone else has posted something.


Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

So here are my very own beinte-singko...

1. I like cold water, cold juices, and on rare occasions, cold soft drinks. But I dislike it when the air conditioner in the office is on "high mode" or when the current weather starts requiring me to wear jackets or blazers. I don't like places where it's too cold either (i.e., Baguio, cinemas).

2. More often than not, I give the impression that I am too serious and / or I'm snobbish. I think I just don't initiate conversations, especially with guys.

3. I know how to drive a car, but I don't know how to ride a bicycle. My six year old nephew Diego has been teaching me to do so, to no avail hehehe.

4. At the age of two, I already knew I wanted to become a teacher. While all the kids in pre-school were crying on our first week of classes, I was already giving my teacher a headache whenever I would erase whatever she wrote on the board, and pretend that I was the one in charge! Mama said what a sight it was back then! I would write on the board as well as do all the things my teacher would do. Maestrang-maestra na ang dating ko noon pa man.

5. Next to my parents, my sister and brothers are my biggest influences. Whatever they have to say on just about anything matters a lot to me, though we have gone through some fair amount of arguments and disagreements on certain matters, even until now.

6. I miss having family vacations. When my brother was still with PMA, we would drive up to Baguio at least thrice a year to visit him. Come to think of it, that was probably the start of the wandering / travelling spirit burning in me, and which I got to rekindle only this month.

7. The only places I've been to so far are Ilocos (North and South), Laguna, Batangas, Bicol (Albay and Naga), and most recently, Occidental Mindoro. My personal target is to go back within a year to DJ Beach Resort and also to explore Pandan Island again. A visit to Apo Reef is also on top of my wish list.

8. I think the wanderlust in me is beginning to show. I have finally been bitten by the travel bug. I dream of going to El Nido and Coron, Palawan in the next few years. I also want to spend some days in Boracay, Camiguin, Camarines Sur, Bohol, Cebu, Davao, and other awesome places in our country. We have a truly beautiful country, and I want to visit these places before I die.

9. As for places outside of our shores, I am interested to tour Paris, France; Jerusalem, Israel; Sydney, Australia; Agra, India; Phuket, Thailand; and Texas, USA. (Did I already mention I've been bitten by the travel bug? ;0p )

10. I have always been fascinated by the sight of the following: glorious sunrise, magnificent sunset, waves gently kissing the sand, fish swimming in coordinated groups, and just about anything pertaining to nature. It's no wonder I fell so much in love with Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro.

11. I have a mild case of aqua phobia. It started when our family swam in one of the beaches in Cavite. My sister and brothers all know how to swim, and they were encouraging me to give it a try. I did, and jumped off the boat somewhere in the middle of the beach, thinking that in the twinkle of an eye, I would suddenly develop swimming skills by the force of the circumstances. I sank almost to the bottom of the sea, and were it not for my uncle, I would have hit the boat propeller and drowned, too. Yes, this is my second life (thank God!), and I conquered that fear in Sablayan when I went snorkelling in DJ Beach Resort, and finally swam without a life vest (yes !!!!!) to watch the pawikan and see the beautiful corals of Pandan Island.

12. I have eale's disease, a rare condition in which I develop abnormal blood vessels that errupt and bleed anytime. I have already had three (3) laser operations to deal with it. Doctors haven't found the cure for it at the moment, but I thank God for giving me the strength to handle this depressing situation.

13. I used to be a very quiet and reserved child. I made friends with only a few and select people, and prefer having their company around, than talking with everyone in the room. I realized only recently this shyness can be a hindrance in the ministry, and I'm trying my best now to be as outgoing and as friendlier as possible.

14. I have been blessed with a loving and ever-supportive family. We're not perfect as most people think, but I am forever grateful to have belonged here. If I get the chance to raise my own someday, I would most probably raise my own kids in the same way we've been brought up.

15. I would like to learn another foreign language soon. Spanish tops that list, but right now I am being immersed in the Japanese language / culture by virtue of an official assignment from my boss.

16. I am very honest with my feelings, and I can be very vocal with how I feel. It's both an asset and a liability, I think. I am asking God's grace to help me temper my emotions and how I get to express them.

17. I love the small, seemingly non-sense / insignificant conversations I have with my family over lunch / dinner. I also like spending some minutes chit-chatting with my mom before we sleep.

18. I hold people to whatever they promise or tell me they would do for me. And I get gravely disappointed when people don't fulfill whatever they said they would do. So just do it, rather than give me all these promises, then forget about them.

19. More often than not, it's black or white for me. Either yes or no. Okay or not. I rarely have anything in middle ground. That applies to almost everything I do and everything / everyone I am involved in / with.

20. I am forever thankful to God for giving me strong, godly women as influences and mentors: Ying, Elsa, Emmylou, Eva, Nanay Mayette, Mommy Beth, Tita Myrna, ate Gina, and now, ate Evelyn. I realized how much God loves me when He gave me such wonderful friends who genuinely accepted, continue to pray for and constantly watch over me. I wish to watch over, pray for and disciple ladies of my own someday.

21. I have a fascination for whatever is blue or pink. Violet too.  Most of my clothes and stuff come in these colors.

22. I am scared to death of dogs. I almost got bitten by a neighbor's pet many times some years back. I also fell from where I was standing when out of the blue this huge dog of my neighbor climbed over me!

23. Sometimes, I can be a little bit extreme when I'm upset or when I'm mad. Either I immediately speak what's on my mind, or I just keep quiet. Either way, those closest to me know that I just need some space and a few hours to myself to think things over. After that, I'm okay.

24. One of my life's greatest joys is seeing, visiting and playing with my nephews and niece. We're a hugging and kissing family, and I think with the exception of the adult males in our clan, our family's love language seem to include touch and words of affirmation. I just fervently wish that Diego, Franco, Enrique and Monique would allow me to hug and kiss them even when they're already in their twenties!

25. There are just a thousand and one things I'd like to do. Write another book. Travel the world. Learn another language. Be good at cooking. Draw and paint. Take up serious photography lessons. Engage in short term missions. Participate in handicrafts exhibits and workshops. I just pray that God would give me wisdom how to live a balanced, purposeful life that pleases Him.

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