Sunday 15 April 2012

My dream bookshelf, a snapshot and a trip down memory lane

I've been way too busy the past few days. But anyhow...

The books and my dream bookshelf

In 29 days, 2008 will have gone by. Hello, 2009! Whew! In three weeks' time, we're having our Christmas party. We won't be having classes on the 5th, and work is officially off on the 19th. Yey! That means I have lots of days to spend curled up in bed, reading whatever I fancy at the moment --- something that I've been raring to do but just couldn't.

I felt so jurassic last week listening to my students discuss the merits and demerits of Stephenie Meyer's hit vampire series, Twilight (That book was turned into a movie. Doh! I'm the last to know about that.). My gosh, I think the last (and worst, if I may add) paperback I've ever held was Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code (Eeks! This is one of our worst purchases. Mama bought this book for me out of curiosity, especially when there was a series on Apologetics being taught at CCF. Hay! My comment? Great writers take time building up the plot and giving life to the characters. I was really so turned off with how Dan handled the imagery and desciptions that after page 2, I put away the book.). Since then, my eye problem started acting up again, so my reading sprees were limited to just the newspapers or the devotionals given to me by Ying and Kuya Julius (Streams in the Desert by LB Cowman and James Reimann and Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby).

My friend Matthew just sent me a pair of magnifying glasses, so I thought I could use 'em during the holidays (reading can also be a good excuse not to overeat during reunions, hahaha!!). And my goodness! I have boxes upon boxes of books waiting for my eyes to even cast a glance at them! Claire lovingly gave me a hardbound copy of The Ringmaster's Daughter by Jostein Gaarder, and I promised myself that once I am well, I am going to read that book in one sitting. Paula Rineheart, author of the amazing tear-jerker of a book, Strong Women, Soft Hearts, has come up with yet another amazing book entitled Better than My Dreams: Finding What You Long For Where You Might Not Think to Look. I almost bought the New York Times bestseller Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom on a recent trip to National Bookstore-Sta. Lucia but I just felt so guilty about making another purchase when I still have unread material at home. There's tons of Max Lucado books, two Joel Osteen paperbacks, and a host of John Maxwell motivational and leadership softbound copies waiting for me. Have I also mentioned that there's a couple of Elizabeth Elliot, John Eldredge, Bruce Wilkinson and Les Parrot books in my reading list? Early this year, I made a vow to be a little bit openminded about my reading choices. So even though the title sounds so egoistical, I started reading chapters from Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power (devilish, cunning and manipulative!), which I plan to follow-up with Sun Tzu's The Art of War. And yes, I've always loved biographies (Whoever borrowed my Jackie O and Princess Diana biographies, please return them to me!!!!), so I hope I could squeeze in my two Go, Negosyo books this Christmas break. Theology has always fascinted me, and though I'm not the seminarista type, I would love to hold in my hands one of the N.T. Wright books Kuya Luis keeps talking about (Me? Read heavy theological stuff? Yes, it's so un-me. Well, let me try for a change!).

Okay, okay. I'm getting a bit giddy and excited here thinking of which book to read first. Speaking of books, I saw this beautiful bookshelf in Domino and I can't wait for the holidays to roll in so I can attempt to re-arrange my books to look something like this.

Cute noh?

Hay. In the meantime, please excuse me. I've got to read this research / reference book for my lecture tomorrow. :-)


Shot on the spot.

My friend and schoolmate Enchie tagged me for this unique mini-entry.

The story behind the shot:

I was testing my newly-bought webcam's capabilities, and shot this pic one night while I was tinkering with the new gizmo (Say nyo? Di ko na kayang ulitin yan at ayaw na nya gumana hahaha!!!!). Well, as you can see, I've got shorter hair now (cut to shoulder-length) + bangs.

The siopao look is still there, though :-( Perhaps my reading fantasies for the Christmas break would solve the problem hehehe

I'm tagging Kate, Claire, Mavie, and all you bloggers out there. C'mon, it's just a simple write-up :-)


A trip down memory lane: Coincidence?

There used to be a time when I would dream dreams or see some 'visions' which would eventually materialize. Or give hypothetical advice that would almost always turn out to be true. But that would only work for other people. It never worked for me or my loved ones.

And then I saw this picture in one of the folders in my laptop.

Can you see the guy third from left, beside the lady in dark pink gown? That's my dad. Yes, he was the one I was talking about in this blog, and yes, I rightly predicted / sensed / felt the exact day he was going to pass away.

I think I'm having goosebumps as I write this blog. I have been dreaming dreams again lately...

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